Balloon Spacer in the Shoulder


Our orthopaedic shoulder surgeon treated a patient with two massive rotator cuff tears that were not amenable to repair. Due to patient age, the patient would not withstand a reconstructive procedure. Our surgeon placed a balloon spacer arthroscopically in the subacromial space. We are wondering how to code for this procedure.


Thank you for your inquiry. There is no CPT code for this very interesting procedure for a patient who is not a surgical candidate. You will report an unlisted arthroscopic code, 29999. Work with your surgeon to find a code that most closely represents the work. Do not code 29826 separately if the acromion is shaved or reshaped to allow placement and insufflation of the implant.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 10/14/21.

KZA - Orthopaedics - Coding Coach

Fractional Laser Therapy


Reconstruction of the ATFL and CFL