Measuring Square Centimeters


I’m confused about how to determine the square centimeters for using the Adjacent Tissue Transfer codes (14000-14302). Can you explain it in terms that I will understand? I’m not a doctor.


I will certainly try! The adjacent tissue transfer codes are used when there is a primary defect that results from the excision and there is a secondary defect that results from flap design to perform the reconstruction. You measure each of the two defects, calculating the area in square centimeters, separately. Then you add the two areas, in square centimeters, together to determine the code.

For example, you excise a 1 cm x 1 cm malignant lesion from the face and close it with a 1 cm x 2cm advancement flap. The primary defect resulting from the excision is 1 cm x 1 cm = 1 sq cm. The secondary defect resulting from the flap design to perform the reconstruction is 1 cm x 2 cm = 2 sq cm. The primary defect, 1 sq cm, is added to the second defect, 2 sq cm which equals 3 sq cm. The key point for surgeons is to accurate document the areas of both primary and secondary defects. Hope this helps!

*This response is based on the best information available as of 02/05/15.

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