Paramedian Forehead Flap on Previous Mohs Surgery


My doctor did a division and inset of a paramedian forehead flap on a patient that had Mohs surgery on their nose. Do I code 15620 since the flap was brought from the forehead, or 15630 since the flap was placed on the nose?


Good Question:.  If you look at the code descriptors, they state, “Delay of flap or sectioning of flapat…”  This means that the code is chosen for where the flap is inset.  In your case, the flap was inset at the nose.  CPT code 15630 for division and inset at the eyelids,nose, ears, or lips, would be the correct code to report.  Don’t forget also that if repair of the donor site requires skin graft or local flap to repair, it is separately reportable.  Hope this helps.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 07/27/17.

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